Medical Services

Community physicians attend to residents within the Middlechurch Home of Winnipeg. A physician is “on call” twenty-four hours for emergencies.

If you wish to discuss your relative’s care with the physician, we suggest that you discuss your concerns with your nurse and book an appointment to see the physician at the home.


Prescription drugs and medical and surgical supplies are ordered from the pharmacist on physician’s prescription and are administered by professional nursing staff. The cost of prescription drugs is included in the daily residential rate. However, non-insured drugs and some medical supplies are not covered by Pharmacare and payment is the responsibility of the resident.

While we recognize and respect the resident’s right to use over the counter medications and alternative remedies, it is very important that these not be given to the resident without consulting the unit nurse first. The nurse will consult the physician and/or pharmacist about the safety of such interventions, potential side effects and interactions with other medications, based on the residents’ individual needs. (If approved, must be administered by the unit nurse.) No medications should be left in residents’ rooms.

While the pharmacy dispenses medications to the resident, it also serves as a resource to the resident, their family, and the staff. A clinical pharmacist is available to answer questions and explain medication usage when requested.

There are quarterly medication reviews carried out by the physician, nurse and pharmacist. At these reviews the entire medication regime of each resident is assessed and modified as required. Capsules and tablets for the resident are dispensed in controlled dosage portions to simplify administration and reduce the risk of error. The pharmacy will also supply nonprescription medication to the resident when ordered. Most prescription drugs and some nonprescription drugs are covered by Manitoba Health; however, payment for non-insured products is the responsibility of the resident.

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