Personal Expenses
The daily room rate is established by Manitoba Health using a formula based on your net income. Personal items such as tooth paste, toothbrush, dental powder, tissues, deodorant, shaving cream, hair brushes, combs, electric razors, dentures and eyeglasses are purchased by the resident or family.
Other additional expenses may include:
- Wheelchair
- Walker
- Wheelchair and Walker maintenance (contract is required for all wheelchairs and walkers)
- Glasses
- Hearing Aid
- Dentures
- Labeling of Clothing
- Hairdressing
- Television
- Telephone
- Foot care
- Transportation
- Roam Alert rental
- Recreation outings and special events
- Commode, if for your use only
- Sling for lift, if for your use only
- Bed and/or Chair alarm devices if required
Charges for some of these additional expenses may be added to the monthly bill.